Surgery Update/ Adulting Still Sucks

No more fat cat for me!!!! He is cute tho….



SURGERY DATE NOVEMBER 1st!!!!!!!! Well tentative that is- Gotta wait for fucking insurance to approve. I had my final weight management appointment end of August and was told that I would get a phone call in a week or two. Two weeks later I hadn’t heard anything so I gave weight management a dingle to see what the fuck was going on! I’m impatient, I know. Apparently they were waiting on my respiratory specialist to send them some paperwork. I initially went to see him as part of my surgical clearance because I have Sarcoidosis which in most people who have it affects the lungs. Continue reading

Adulting Sucks


Ok I feel a little better. So the savings account took another hit. Went to pick up my prescription from the drive up at Rite Aid and I rolled down my window and it WOULDN’T ROLL BACK UP!!!!!!! Nooooooooooooooooo! I was on my way to work so I couldn’t do anything about it. I was worried all night at work that someone was going to steal my car. So I took it to my mechanic to get it fixed. I had to get a oil change and replace a boot??? Don’t know what that is but had to be done. Final total- $4oo fucking dollars. Our savings is so depleted now and the overtime at work is going to be non existent next month so I’m stressing hard!!!!!! I’m also impatiently waiting for my phone call in regards to scheduling my pre-admission testing and weight loss surgery. I’m so worried that my insurance company is going to deny my surgery. But now I’m thinking that we may not be able to afford for me to take off time for the surgery. So sad pants right now……….

A photo by Matthew Wiebe.
Pretty much how I feel right now

Photo credit: Matthew Wiebe

Turkey Burger, Farfalle, and Tomato Basil Sauce- 9 Smart Points



I LOVE to cook so I figured I should put some of my Smart Point recipes up!

I have really been craving some pasta lately but its usually high in Smart Points- about 6 or 7sp for 2oz uncooked. But when I went grocery shopping the other day I found that Barilla makes a pasta called ProtienPlus- 5sp for 2oz uncooked. Ya it’s only 1 point less than regular pasta but hey, the lower the better IMO! Next time I go shopping I’m going to try Barilla White Fiber pasta because it’s the same point value as the ProtienPlus and I’ll let you know how which one I think is better! Continue reading

Stupid Expenditures/ Final Weigh-In!!


I’ll start with budget and expenditures!!! This summer has been costly…fukin eh! For August the husband’s car needed inspection which resulted in the car needing new brakes and rotors ($530 OUCH!!!!!) in order for it to pass. (sadface) Also my husband didn’t tell me about the suit rental ($150) for our friends wedding so I hadn’t budgeted for it and instead of taking money from our savings and paying for it that way, he put it on the visa (super fucking angry face.) Mind you we had FINALLY gotten the visa to under $2K the week before!!!!! I need to confiscate the credit cards from him and hide them. Continue reading

Financial Update/ Health


Just stopping in for an update!! (It’s kinda long, soz)


On the financial front we took a bit of a hit last month bbbooooooooooo!! Had to get the timing belt/water pump and other belts done in my 2000 civic. Cost was $525 but she purrs like a kitten! My husband also needed a new phone (fuck.) It stopped working so we ventured down to AT&T and got new phones..($500)… shame on me, I know. Continue reading

Tried to Go Casual with Comcast (or cut the cord)

So the Hubs and I decided we were going to break up with Comcast….. well not completely. Just wanted to keep it casual (internet/ home security) and date other people (Netflix, Amazon Prime.) We finally had enough of the continuous rate hikes we were getting and thought- fuck this shit we deserve better!!!! When we bought our house a couple years ago we decided to go steady with Comcast. Not like we had a choice since they are the only suppliers in our area. Kinda felt like an arranged marriage, you know? Our package was high speed internet, TV with DVR digital whatever, home security system, and land line that we don’t use. (The plan would be more expensive without the land line, WTF???) So initially out bill was around $150 and slowly crept up to $253. FUUUCCCKKK THAATTTT!! Continue reading

Shit I Like!

This list will get bigger but for now here are some of my favorite books, websites, finance blogs, apps, and other shit!!!

Finance Blogs!!!!

Mr Money Mustache. Fuck ya this guy is amaze-balls! He and his wifey retired in their early 30’s and are cruising pretty! His articles are always interesting and informative. Love that stache! And he’s Canadian so it makes him even more awesome!

Budgets Are Sexy This guy is a goldmine!! So much info and just an all around good resource! Plus he drives the Franken- Caddy and its fucking hilarious lol. He also has another site called Rockstar Finance that’s financial shit he finds from all over the internetz! He has cool hair too.

Frugalwoods Well these people are cute as hell. I wanna pinch their cheeks. Their little family is comprised of Mr and Mrs Frugalwoods, Babywoods, and Frugalhound. (Who always has the most darling outfits on!) I’m totally jealous of these assholes (I mean that in a loving way of course!) They have my dream property. Continue reading

Pizza Reward and Meal Prep!!!

OOOHH Hello there!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

My Main Tank (Hubs) and I kicked the shit out of spring cleaning at the Potty Mouth residence last Caturday (Saturday.) Holy fuck did that suck but it was so rewarding to see our home all sparkly and puurdy!!! Potty Mouth Pooch supervised cause she’s so good at that! We also had our first Potty Mouth family financial meeting!! We did the budget together!! I even sat on my hands and let the hubs input the numbers into our budget app- Everydollar. It was great and since we worked so hard me and the hubs treated ourselves to a growler of craft saison beer (I ❤ Beer), homemade pizza, and Red Box!!! (We set money aside for entertainment purposes- you can be frugal and have fun on the cheap: Growler $23, Movie $1.99)

The recipe I used for the pizza crust is from Leanne Brown’s Good and Cheap. I used the long version and made the dough the night before. It tastes better that way IMO. I also make it with whole wheat flour- its good for the bod! I made a margherita pizza because they are my fav!!! Hubby made chicken fajita thin crust and a cheese and bacon Sicilian style pizza. Continue reading